7 Red Flags Boudoir Photographer is a CREEP!!

These days in the modeling industry you hear crazy stories about those fake wannabe boudoir photographers who only shoot models for their own pleasures. Their work has nothing to do with art or making feel women beautiful or empowering. As a matter a fact, what they are doing is far from being professional. Below you will find 7 ways on how to spot that creep photographer so you could: 1-save yourself time and/or money and most important, 2-be safe!
Let’s do this!!!
1 . Just because they have a camera, doesn’t mean they are professionals!
Well, just because they have a camera does not mean they are professional. Don’t get me wrong, we all had to start somewhere. But do yourself a favor and check their work first. Not only to be safe but also to ensure they have the style you want to be photographed in. A true and professional photographer will always be posting their work on social media platforms, so, if they are not active then that’s one red-flag that they are just trying to take advantage of you.

2. References!
ASK FOR REFERENCES!! In this case, do not underestimate the power of a proper reference. Knowing another model or client’s experience can be extremely helpful for you. Collect two or three references so that you can make a better decision before moving forward.
“Reach out to the models they are posting pictures of to see what their experiences were before setting a date with the photographer. On that note, check those social media references and get a feel for their credibility – do they tag their team on posts? What else do they post? Do they seem professional from their social media presence?” – Autumn Rose
“If they are a photographer they should have worked with people that can vouch for them on their work and their character. But they have to be people from the industry not just their friends and family.”- Jesselyn Chow
“Reach out to the models they are posting pictures of to see what their experiences were”
3. Research!
Ok, so they have a camera and they are professional based on their activity on social media platforms and they have references!!! Super exciting right? Well, hold your horses, there is one more place you should check before you book. Luckily for you, someone created those Facebook pages that contain list of photographers who unfortunately have been unprofessional towards the women in the most disgusting way possible. Please, check them out before you book. You don’t want to be that person who visits those pages afterwords to report!!! Please ladies!!!

4. Asking for inappropriate pictures
COMMUNICATION!!. So now you are in the next and final step in booking your session with your photographer. Under any circumstances DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT send pictures of yourself in your lingerie and/or especially nude photos to photographers, even if they insist it’s their requirement. HUGE RED FLAG!!! If you are an experienced model, share with them the link to your portfolio, IG account or FB Page. It wouldn’t be good if you didn’t think it was inappropriate when they asked, so that’s why I’m telling you this. What makes the situation even creepier is when they are making sexual remarks about you and your body. Now that is a BIG NO!!! RED-FLAG!
“DO NOT sent pictures of yourself in your lingerie and/or especially nude”
Always confirm the details before your session. Set your limits!!! “Don’t come in for headshots and end the day with artistic nudes that weren’t planned. Do NOT feel pressured to do things. If they don’t listen to the first “no” they never will” – Autumn Rose
Contracts is another big thing. Always have the written contract with your photographer. It protects you and them. Many issues can be avoided when both parties come to an agreement regarding photo rights, water-marks, expected delivery of edited photos and number of photos to be delivered.
“If they don’t listen to the first “no” they never will”
And last but not least, before you book your session: NO BODYGUARDS ALLOWED!!! Say What????? OHH hell no, I’m bringing my Nanna aka the OG!!! You should always be allowed to bring someone. “If the photographers don’t allow others to attend, even in a different room then that is a super RED FLAG that they are predators.”- Autumn Rose

“If the photographers don’t allow others to attend, even in a different room then that is a super RED FLAG that they are predators.”- Autumn Rose
5. Finally it’s your session day!!
Your photographer passed all of the above mentioned flags and you are ready to shoot girl but you’re still kinda shy and uncomfortable which is totally normal. It is in your photographer’s interest to make you feel like at home but I know it’s sometimes kinda weird because you’re standing there in your lingerie, waiting for instructions. A legit photographer will know what to do, even if that would mean making fun of themselves. Lately, my husband not matching socks are the big factor in our boudoir session. If it’s not that then one sock has a hole in it!!! SMH! Well anyway, don’t let your photographers comment on how hot you look in the red lingerie and they bet you would look even hotter naked. They should not be flirting with you like that!!! Complements – yes please, but not in the seductive and suggestive way.
“They should not be flirting with you”

6. Your comfort zone!!
You don’t owe them anything. Just because your shoot is TFP, that does not mean you are doing your photographers a favor and you are obligated to do everything they say. They don’t have the right to force you to “shoot nude or even pass your comfort zone, especially that you established the theme prior to your session.”- Jesselyn Chow
“They don’t have the right to force you to shoot nude or even pass your comfort zone” –Jesselyn Chow
7. Keep your hands to yourself!!
The truth needs to be told. There is a difference between female and male photographers when it comes to photography especially boudoir. Women do allow other women photographers to help them adjust things like hair or wardrobe. But under any circumstances, I don’t care if they are male or female, do not sexually grab, grope or caress the models/clients. The proper way to help adjust is to ask for permission every single time or better yet have your bodyguard/friend do it. They come in handy!!
Ladies, I hope this will help you in every way possible!!! Just promise me to stay safe and stay away from the CREEPS!!! YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL, SEXY, CONFIDENT and don’t let anything or anyone take that away from YOU!!
Author: Katarzyna Amador
Editor: Yuma M. Amador
Contributor: Jesselyn Chow | Autumn Rose